दिल्ली को Green Cover बनाने की दिशा में Delhi government, AAP नेत्री Priyanka Kakkar ने दी जानकारीPunjabkesari TV
7 months ago “Delhi government planted two crore trees in four years: AAP leader and national spokesperson Priyanka Kakkar.” “Towards making Delhi a green city, the Delhi government has achieved the target of 24 percent green cover in the last ten years. Going against the ecosystem, Delhi LG VK Saxena had ordered cutting of trees in Satbari Ridge area, contempt of Supreme Court order.Delhi LG did injustice to the people of Delhi by cutting down trees in Ridge area.” “Despite the reprimand of the Supreme Court, Delhi LG misled the court.” “Delhi LG had earlier also given orders to cut trees in East Kidwai Nagar, Netaji Nagar and Naroji Nagar.”